Thursday, August 12, 2010

The latest version of the Storytime photo.

Benson, Thumper, Shirlene, Claire, Torsten, and Brysen.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Maximus' Birthday

The following pictures are all from Maximus' birthday party with the exception of the picture with Shirlene reading a bedtime story to some of our grandchildren.  I changed the backgrounds on all of the pictures in this posting.
Lincoln, Brock, Oliver, Torsten, Brysen, Benson, & Maximus
Lincoln, Brock, Oliver, Torsten, Brysen, Benson, & Maximus
Torsten, Ryan, & Brysen
Benson, Shirlene, Claire, Torsten, & Brysen

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Family Activities During the Past Couple of Weeks

Julian, Josslyn, and Jessica.

Brysen, Ryan, and Torsten.

Claire, Jared, Natalie, Benson, Shirlene, Brysen, Breon, Brice, Aleena, Torsten, and Ryan

Ryan, Aleen, Shirlene, Natalie, and Brice.

Claire and Shirlene at Temple Square.

Benson showing his picture of the temple.

Natalie, Benson, Claire, and Jared.

Brysen, Ryan, and Torsten.

Benson and Torsten at Temple Square.

Brysen at Temple Square.

Jared and Claire at Temple Square.

Shirlene on Temple Square.

Breon & Randy hiked up to the summit of Sunset Peak.  These were some flowers along the trail.

Breon near one of the lakes.

Randy by Lake Mary.

A view along the trail.

There were lots of rocks.

There were lots of wild flowers.

Randy near the summit.

Breon at the Summit.
Lyn Haroldsen Misner (Shirlene's roommate at college) and Shirlene
Ryan, Chuck, Shirlene, Brysen, & Torsten celbrating Ryan's birthday at Chuck E. Cheese.
Brysen playing basketball.
Bryson and Ryan out for a drive.
Torsten at Chuck E. Cheese